What Is the Parenting After Separation Course?
If you keep hearing about Parenting After Separation (PAS) course and are wondering what it is…PAS is a free online course that is offered by Alberta Family Justice Services.
It is designed to inform separating parents about the effect of separation on children in order to try minimize the negative impact of separation and conflict on the children’s lives. The course provides basic information to parents about the legal system, and alternative methods of dispute resolution. It teaches communication techniques in an attempt to minimize parental conflict and children’s exposure to conflict. Parents are encouraged to prioritize the mental health of their children and provides methods by which parents might keep things amiable for the benefit of the children. The course also provides information to commonly asked questions to do with decision-making, parenting time and child support.
The Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta requires a Certificate of Completion of Parenting After Separation (PAS) be filed with the Court before proceeding with any type of application involving children.
The course if free of charge, and it only takes a few hours to complete. Visit the Alberta Government’s Website here.